Dr. Rishita Jaju reviews the 5 steps to prepare for the most effective and smooth experience during your baby’s Tongue and Lip-tie Laser Frenectomy procedure.

  1. Add your baby to your dental plan if you want to maximize your insurance benefits.
  2. Have your pediatrician, IBCLC or Feeding therapist/SLP or any body worker, share their notes with us.
  3. Schedule your consultation and procedure at a time that both parents are available and can participate. Teledentistry appointments are best for both parents to be present and have a thorough discussion about baby and mom’s health and feeding symptoms history.
  4. Make sure you fill out all our required paperwork so that our clinical and administrative team can prepare for your appointment and guide you if needed.
  5. Clear your travel schedule for at least 1 week post procedure so that the baby can have a restful recovery and you are able to be consistent and thorough with manual and functional aftercare exercises.